
 It has been a while since blogging and with all the new challenges and transitions in the world today I thought I would start writing again to share my experiences and adventures in this new world...It has been just over a year since I, and others in the community I was living in, had to evacuate due to fire. In that year much has changed and evolved for me. I went from living in Oregon in the middle of the forest to living in a very different in a city. I moved to Asheville NC following what I euphemistically called "bread crumbs". It was an interesting and challenging decision to make at that time, one that I felt was the right choice, and still do feel. Little could I have predicted the outcomes that have happened since making that decision almost a year ago. Without going into a long story I have since worked at 3 different jobs and lived in 3 different locations since moving here. This after living at, and working at, the same place for 6 years. So needless to say I have undergone many transitions and changes in a relatively short period of time...much more than this turtle spirit has undergone in a very long time...relatively speaking...I have decided to make writing one of the activities that I do on a regular basis and part of my spiritual practice...I have a couple of continuing ideas and projects in mind to share in this manner...
